Roulette lovers are always in search of tips and tricks to win the game. People are in search of a sure shot way to win at roulette. Various roulette tips and tricks can save you from losses even when you play online on a mobile casino having offers such as Roulette sign up, online and mobile bonus offer of the week…There is a method through which one can develop small biases of roulette wheels, which seems to be a manufacturing defect, or we can see the wear/tear of the wheel over long usage of time.
Rest of these is just tactics hence they do not guarantee the players will have negative balance. Roulette is not for those looking for easy money scheme. However, those who wish to win can follow some of the tricks mentioned here that can make best use of the wheel bias.
Tips to Win at Roulette using Wheel Bias
- Learn Roulette strategies: Many roulette strategies teach people how to win this game. These strategies are developed with a view to sell the system to the roulette lovers and make money. Some of them are just faulty observations by regular gamblers.
There are few methods that are not proven logically but can provide results if believed religiously. These are nothing but few of the gambling preconceptions and most of the strategies are based on these.
- Martingale strategy: This strategy relates to betting on red and black all the time and after every loss, the bet is increased. It is a so-called progressive strategy.
- Gamblers Myth: There is a myth among the gamblers that if one thing happens on a frequent basis during certain period more than the normal ones, it will happen less frequently during the other period. In future, it will happen more frequently. Most of the gambling strategies are based on this concept however the fact is that each and every roll, spin, throw is completely disconnected from the previous one.
All throws, spins, rolls are random. However, to try out luck, one can adopt this strategy and see whether the result is a win or lose.
- Using Wheel Bias
There is a question whether today is it possible to identify the wheel bias or not. The result is yes, it is possible as even today, technologies and monitoring systems have some roulette tricks to make most use of wheel bias but it requires good planning and hard stunts to perform.
These can work when there are biased monitoring systems, expensive roulette wheels, and smaller venues with less infrastructure facilities. Sometimes, bias is easily noticed however, owners hardly take any action unless they find that the player is making systematic profit out of it.
With these methods, chancing of winning may increase but there is no surety that the player will definitely win. Hence, one must play keeping in mind the chances of both winning as well as losing and if you want to play more, just pay in using Phone Bill Slots and try again.